All-in-all it was an incredible experience, as these challenges often are. I learnt a lot, like a lot a lot, and think Rastamouse and the Hackthebox team have done a fantastic job with this lab. At 90 for the month this lab is an absolute bargain and I cannot recommend it enough. I'll be getting another month after a bit of break, so that I can try the exercises again without focusing on the flags. I want to try different tools, and to do it quicker and quieter.
The certified red team operator is an entry-level to intermediate security certification for penetration testers who want to advance their career and become red teamers. The candidate will explore the tactics, techniques, and procedures that threat actors use to infiltrate IT systems and stay under the detection radar. It also mentions some opsec considerations and allows practicing and bypassing detections. Throughout the hands-on experience, the students will apply their knowledge to a live lab.
The RastaLabs experience
At the time of the writing, there is no VPN connection possible. The Guacamole interface takes some time to get used to. In fact, the most annoying experience was the copy-paste. Every time I wanted to copy some text from my host machine to the lab, I had to type Ctrl+Alt+Shift, paste my text, hit the shortcut again, and paste my payload on the lab machine. 2ff7e9595c